Towards a Tango without limits

Break-through frustration and stagnation in your dance

It’s that simple
Getting better in tango is easy when you understand what does what and how movements are created.
It actually is that simple.
If you know how to move your body and how that movement influences your partner, you are in control of your development as a dancer, and can continue to improve.
After 25+ years in tango and teaching thousands of students (beginners, advanced, finalists of the world tango championship and professional teachers) we realised that most people face one or more of the following situations:
- You have reached a plateau and feel that developing your tango further seems to require a lot of repetition.
- You can easily do some movements but find it hard or impossible to do some others, without understanding why.
- You feel frustrated when practising without a teacher, not certain what you need to fix, spending hours practising and reinforcing bad habits.
- You do certain things only in close embrace and others only in open embrace, since you don’t understand how to do them otherwise.
- You can easily dance certain rhythmic patterns and orchestras, but have a hard time dancing others, or you even avoid vals or milonga completely.
All those issues might seem unrelated but are rooted in the same problem:
A lack of understanding of what does what and how movement is created.
In fancy words:
Not understanding the fundamentals of tango in an advanced way.
“I wish I had been exposed to Sara’s and Ivan’s methodology 14 years ago. But the next best time is now. After four wonderful days with them in Croatia, I can now clearly see and understand the origins of my mistakes and the path to improvement. I’ve met, learned from and spoken with hundreds of tango teachers, but Sara and Ivan are in a category of their own. I learned what does what and why. I am forever thankful.”
The Immersion
In 4 learning-packed days, in an intimate group of 8 people, in the wonderful Croatian countryside, no matter if you are a beginner or an advanced dancer, you’ll discover:
- What your body needs to do to dance tango with control and flow,
- How to remove obstacles to harmonious partnerwork,
- How to identify limitations in your dance and remove them,
- How to understand your partners’ limitations in the milongas and adjust in order for them to feel they are having a wonderful dance with you,
- How to overcome plateaus so that you don’t feel stuck again.
Your teachers
You’ll learn directly with us, Sara Grdan & Ivan Terrazas.
We have taught our proprietary process of tango´s fundamentals and advanced principles for over 25 years to total beginners, experienced tango dancers, tango teachers and performers, and finalists of the Mundial de Tango.
Who is the right candidate for this experience?
We are interested in working with people open to discover the unlimited possibilities of tango through focus and dedication.
Here we leave our egos at the door!
Dates 2025:
Foundation I (if you have never attented an intensive with us)
March 6-9
May 1-4
Foundation II (if you have already attented Foundation I)
Feb 21-23
June 26-29
Our training facility in Croatia, in the countryside near Zagreb.
Number of participants:
Limited to 8 dancers.
It will be arranged for you in the facility or an equivalent housing nearby.
800€ per person
“Ivan and Sara totally revolutionized the way I dance, think, and teach about tango. I have been stuck for years with bad habits I didn’t know how to solve or even knew I had. On top of that, the common tango exercises I did were only detrimental. Thanks to their deep knowledge of technique and tango as a whole, I now have a far better understanding, my dancing has improved dramatically, and I see the same progress in my students.”